Sunday, September 30, 2012

Ur Carolina Panthers

  I usually only blog about all things basketball b/c it's what I do, and what I know best.  But sitting on my coach watching this be-foolery I couldn't help myself.  The Carolina Panthers sorry as hell.  Have been sorry as hell for a while, and their off to a great start at being sorry as hell this year.  If you lose often and all the damn time, and have a chance to win the game you gotta go for it.  You up 1pt with 1:41 to go in the game, you got the ball on the Atlanta side of the 50, and you only need 1 yd to win the game b/c the Falcons are out of time-out, you gotta go for it.  Coach Rivera probably gone get fired by the end of next season anyway.  Show some balls and go for the win instead of playing not to lose.  You can't win in the NFL playing that way.  Even thou the Panthers Defense played well this game, they have been horrible this year.  I'm sitting here thinking if they punt this ball they gone lose because the Falcons only need a FG to win.  Even when they downed the ball on the 1 yd line I still said out loud they gone lose this game.  My thing is your 1-2, if you can't get a yard you deserve to lose anyway.  You got a 250lb QB in Cam Netwon, J.Steward and M.Tolbert big ass.  Somebody should be able to get 1 yd and win the game.  Instead they chose to punt and low and behold the Falcons when down and got a field goal and won the game.  Like Coach Herm Edwards famously said "You play to win the Game."  The Panthers Coach Ron Rivera didn't, hey made the decision they were playing not to lose as soon as they punted that ball, and that's exactly what they did.... Loss!!

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