Tuesday, July 22, 2014

How College Football player can get paid NOW!

      With the news that the new BCS Championship generated a $50 million contract and a bowl game can generate anywhere from $27 million. Also the other five FBS-level leagues will split $75 million. That's more than five times greater than their combined payday in 2013. With college coaches contracts also at an all-time high, money is flowing into the Billion dollar college football industry to everyone except the guys generating all the revenue, THE PLAYERS. As long as the players keep playing and waiting for the powers that be to devise a concept of which they can be played, the will not get paid.  If the players know it or not the power is in their hands if they want to get paid now for the money they are generating.  The 2014 college football season is scheduled to start Thursday, August 28th with a big ESPN/SEC network kickoff game of Texas A&M vs USC. All the division 1 college football players should come together and agree to protest being exploited and not play opening week August 28th until an agreement is made where they are paid for the revenue they are generating.  In a multi-billion dollar industry a college scholarship isn't enough.  Especially when you are risking your health thru possible injury, future health problems, and brain damage thru concussions.  The time to get paid in now. As long as the players keep waiting on Presidents and commissioners to think of a way and an  amount to pay them, they will continue to procrastinate. Its time for them to take charge of their own fate and agree to not play another game until they are compensated.  With the money that would be lost thru the TV revenue by not playing, my guess is ti would take a week or two at the most for them to come up with some type of compensation for the "student-athletes" to get them back on the field ASAP.  Throughout history protest, marches, and boycotts have been a driving force to generate change with issues far greater than this.  But with the amount of money that is involved this will get the ball rolling on an issue that has been discussed long enough with no action having taken place.