Sunday, July 15, 2012

Bobcats Basketball & NBA Summer league

Michael Kidd-Gilchrist Bobcats basketball
 I'm not one of those people who say "dont put to much stock in summer league". I do put stock in NBA summer league. Just look at what Jeremy Lin did against John Wall in summer league a couple years ago. Those two went at it. Then this year everyone acted like he came out of nowhere. No he was doing the same thing he did this year in summer league a couple years ago.  With that being
said I think the bobcats got there starting SG and SF of the future finally with Kidd-Gilchrist and Jeffry Taylor.  Both looked good so far and they both posses the size and defense presents you need to start at those positions. I also think they did a good job picking up a big point guard in Sessions. I have to give credit to Ric Cho and Michael Jordan because it appears they are finally starting to make good decisions in Charlotte. To get two starting calibrer players in a draft when you only have two picks is remarkable. Im not a bobcats fan but Jordan and company have received so much criticism for the mistakes they have made I think its only right to give them credit when they start making the right moves. Dont get me wrong, I still expect the bobcats to suck next year, but it'll be interesting to see how they develop these players and what they are able to do in the draft next year.

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